Category Archives: Beneficiaries
Certificate in Subsea Technology (Level 3)
Level 3 City and Guilds Certificate in Subsea Technology
The series consists of 4 modules, as detailed below;
- Subsea Equipment & Tools
- Material Technologies, Subsea Systems & Flow Assurance
- ROV Systems
- Subsea Controls
These stand-alone modules will enable an individual to select those learning materials that suit his or her own particular requirements. Modules can be studied at the candidates own pace and can be studied in any order, but the recommended order is as numbered. The study time needed will vary from one module to another, and from one individual to another. It is likely to be in the range 40 – 60 hours for each module.
Each module will consist of one Workbook, and a “Guide to Open Learning”.
No commitment to enrolling for the complete Subsea Technology Series is required at any time although each candidate must register for each module. Modules are non-transferrable and can only be assigned to one candidate.
Each module (detailed above) may be assessed by examination and an individual certificate endorsed by City and Guilds awarded to successful candidates
Each exam which is passed successfully will contribute to one Certificate of Unit Credit towards The Certificate in Subsea Technology. The Certificate will be awarded after all 4 Certificates of Unit Credit have been accumulated.
The series will be of value to:
• The materials are suitable for new starts to the industry or long-term employees who wish to gain formal vocational related qualifications. • Subsea technicians in the early years of their career or technicians from other industries wishing to transfer to working in the subsea Industry. • Managers and supervisors of oil, service and manufacturing companies who need to build on their background knowledge of the subject. • New technical or engineering graduates, as part of their induction programme. • Administrative staff that require an introduction to the technical background, and a key to the technical language. • The industry, as underpinning knowledge towards achieving standards of competence.
Modules consist of one, spirally bound workbook contained in a presentation folder. As well as the subject matter workbooks contain:
• Training targets for candidates to achieve by the end of each unit. • Test yourself questions to see how much candidates understand. • Check yourself answers to check that candidates are progressing along the right lines. • Activities for candidates to apply their new knowledge. • Summaries for candidates to recap on the major steps in their progress.
Subsea Equipment & Tools 1 Workbook comprising 10 sections Study time: 40-60 hours Topside Facilities for Different Water Depths Oil Industry Engineering Standards Wellhead and Hanger System Workover Systems Conventional Xmas Tree Spool or Horizontal Xmas Tree Well Intervention System Protective Structures Subsea Field Layout Case Study Material Technologies, Subsea Systems & Flow Assurance 1 Workbook comprising 19 sections Study time: 40-60 hours.
- Basics of Engineering Materials & Properties
- Introduction to Materials for Subsea Equipment
- Applications of Materials
- Failure Mechanisms
- Cathodic Protection & Hydrogen Sulphide
- Coatings & Surface Protection
- Basics of Metal Fatigue
- The Erosion Process
- The Main Subsea Assemblies
- Manifold Design & Insulation
- Manifold Facilities & Flow Management
- Control System
- Pipeline End Manifold
- High Integrity Pipeline Protection System
- Pipeline End Termination
- Corrosion, Erosion & Radio Activity
- Subsea Separation
- Main Sensor Systems
- Well Intervention Vessels
ROV Systems
1 Workbook comprising 11 sections
Study time: 40-60 hours
ROV Systems 1 Workbook comprising 11 sections Study time: 40-60 hours General Principles of an ROV ROV Basic Principles Safety Considerations Identification of Main System Components Deployment Methods & Handling Systems Basics of ROV Physics Electrical Basics Communication Basics Basic ROV Hydraulic System Main Sensor Systems ROV Tooling Suites Subsea Controls 1 Workbook comprising 5 sections Study time: 40-60 hours Subsea Productions Control System Basics Subsea Control Hydraulics Subsea Communication Systems Subsea Electrical Systems Computing Systems, Electronics & Sensors –
Exams can be held anytime, at an appointed venue i.e. there is no set time limit between starting a module and sitting the exam.
When the candidate is ready to take the exam an invigilator must be appointed on their behalf. The ‘Invigilator’ may be a Training Manager, OIM or Senior Manager. The invigilator must be responsible for the receipt of the exam papers, security of the papers, invigilation of the exams and return of papers.
Once appointed, the exam papers will be sent to the invigilator. Included with the papers will be an invigilation form for signature of the invigilator and rules and procedures for the exam. If, however, you do not wish to sit the exam at your workplace, you may sit the exam, at our offices in Glasgow. If this is not possible, then we suggest you contact your local college or learning centre to arrange to sit the exam on their premises. These arrangements must be made by the candidate. Some colleges may charge an invigilation and room hire fee which the candidate will be responsible for.
The examination is a two hour closed book written exam. Section A comprises of 20 short answer questions similar to the Test Yourself section in the workbooks. Section B comprises of three questions of which two must be answered – these require good, neat, correctly labelled drawings and a good descriptor. All questions in the paper relate to the information given in the workbooks.
Pass Marks: 60% -74% = Pass, 75% -84% = Credit, 85%- 100% = Distinction
Test yourself questions are available in the workbooks to help you prepare for your exams.
If you do not achieve the required pass mark (60%) in your module exam you will be able to re-sit your exam at no extra cost. However you will only receive a pass grade in your re-sit irrespective of your result.
Should you require to re-sit the same module exam more than once there will be an examination fee of £30.00
BSc (Hons) in Engineering Management by Distance Learning
A-1 Technical Training, Logis-Tech Associates have links to several reputable UK Universities in Scotland & England and assist in the recruitment of engineering students for the BSc in Engineering Management by distance learning (Work based). A-1 Technical Training, Logis-Tech Associates will support a student’s application as this is a very much sought after course and places are limited each year.
The BSc (Hons) Engineering Management degree is a work-based, distance learning degree and aims to break down the barriers between learning at work and learning at university. The programme takes into account the high levels of skills and learning that are demonstrated every day in the workplace and provides a degree framework to support and accredit this learning.
The course is open to all suitably qualified candidates and offers an opportunity to transfer your academic qualifications and work experience to achieve a degree in Engineering Management. The programme includes modules in Study Skills for Distance Learning, Reflection and Reflective Practice, Change Management and Applied Problem Solving in the Engineering Workplace.
The BSc (Hons) Engineering Management degree is a ‘top-up’ course. The first one and two years of the course are accredited through previous academic qualifications and/or relevant professional experience. This distance learning degree can take between 13 months and 2 years to complete, depending on your individual circumstances and work commitments.
Course Content
Level 1 (Typically the First Year of the Degree)
Accreditation of Prior Learning and Experience (AP(E)L) General credit of 120 CATS points is awarded to students who meet the minimum entry criteria of an HND, Foundation Degree or equivalent.
Level 2 (Typically the Second Year of the Degree)
Accreditation of Prior Learning and Experience (AP(E)L) General credit of 120 CATS points is awarded to students who meet the minimum entry criteria of an HND, Foundation Degree or equivalent and have proof of relevant or current professional work experience.
Level 3
Study Skills for Distance Learners The module provides students with a structured framework within which to develop the essential skills for distance learning. You will be encouraged to take personal control of your learning and to balance the freedoms and disciplines inherent in a distance learning environment. Using models of theory and practice embellished by your personal experience, you will develop your ability to self-motivate, manage your own studies and reflect on how you learn. You will evaluate theories and practical models to challenge and to expand on received wisdoms to support both your academic and practical development.
Integrating Professional Engineering Experience Reflection as a technique for aiding and reinforcing learning is a powerful tool in professional development and a wide range of learning environments. Reflective practice is about learning and developing, through examining what we think happened on any occasion and how we think others perceived the event. The manager must open their professional practice to the scrutiny of others, becoming a more effective manager as a result. At an organisational level critical reflection is the basis for maintaining the appropriate alignment of an organisation and forms the basis for strategic planning and organisational change.
This module will provide you with a structured framework within which to reflect on experiences during previous formal managerial training or within past and present Engineering working environments. You will be encouraged to develop your own abilities to practice reflection in the practical arena by critically evaluating your own ideas against academic theories and models, challenging and expanding your own individual management skills. You will facilitate this process through the production of a personal Learning Log, individual reading and study, and face-to-face or online discussion with your tutor.
Management of Change This module aims to enable you to develop your workplace skills in the management of change by investigating your own organisation in relation to change management from a number of perspectives. You will consider your organisation’s business and market position— how it is structured and how it operates—to understand the context within which change happens. You will consider how organisational structure and culture may support or inhibit change as well as evaluating management of change theoretical models. You will also explore the impact of change on people and the skills needed by effective change agents and organisations.
Upon completion of the module, you will be able to use your learning to inform a study of change management in your organisation and to make recommendations about change strategies for the future.
Applied Problem Solving in the Engineering Workplace You will look at some more unusual approaches to the solving of complex problems and at techniques used outside your own organisation and experience in this module. At an early stage you select a complex problem in your workplace to study throughout the unit and you will be expected to develop, integrate and apply your learning, ideas and techniques in a real practical context.
The module aims to provide students with: •An understanding of the nature of complex problems, including problems with unknown or unpredictable features •A range of advanced skills that will equip you to solve complex problems in the workplace •Experience of applied complex problem solving in the workplace.
Dissertation The dissertation provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your capacity to work independently on a major piece of research and to utilise and build on skills and subject expertise developed in the promotion of your professional and personal skills. You will demonstrate your ability to analyse problems and to apply appropriate professional and self-developmental skills.
You will work with your tutor to research, develop and present your study for assessment following the agreed formats prescribed by the University.
How You Are Assessed
Throughout the course assessment methods are designed to enable you to develop your potential and permit a close working relationship between the learning experience and individual assessment. Assessment strategies will reflect the focus of the course on independent self-managed learning.
Entry Requirements
Admission to the WBDL (Work Based Distance learning) undergraduate programme is dependent on several criteria; however, your ability to complete the programme satisfactorily and benefit from it will be the main factor taken into consideration. The programme requires a high level of personal commitment and students will need to be well motivated.
Entry with Advanced Standing, APL:
Students will be accepted onto the course with advanced standing through credit awarded for prior certificated learning (APL). Credit for certificated learning will be awarded according to agreed tariffs for qualifications such as HND, Diploma of Higher Education, NEBS etc.
Employers are increasingly looking to recruit graduates who can demonstrate that they have the skills and abilities to succeed in the workplace. This degree has been devised to give you just that edge. Because all students will already be employed the benefits of the degree are:
For Individuals:
• Academic recognition for learning you have already achieved
• Study at a pace and place to suit you, the potential to work towards the degree when work and personal commitments allow and to take a break from the course when other pressures take over
• Learning is relevant and focused on issues in your job •Direct access to specialist expertise to support work-based projects and to extend the scope of your activities
• Immediate opportunities to apply theory in practice •Improved performance and the ability to respond to change.
For Organisations:
• Improved performance and competitive edge
• Increased motivation, confidence and creativity of workforce
• Immediate benefits from availability of expertise and advice on work based projects
• Customised programmes to suit your organisation
There is 4 intakes per year; August, November, February and May.
For more details on the BSc (Hons) in Engineering Management, please email or complete the form below.
Fill in an Application Form
BSc (Hons) in Logistics Management by Distance Learning
A-1 Technical Training, Logis-Tech Associates have links to several reputable UK Universities in Scotland & England and assist in the recruitment of engineering students for the BSc in Engineering Management by distance learning (Work based). A-1 Technical Training, Logis-Tech Associates will support a student’s application as this is a very much sought after course and places are limited each year.
The BSc (Hons) Logistics Management degree is a work-based, distance learning degree and aims to break down the barriers between learning at work and learning at university. The programme takes into account the high levels of skills and learning that are demonstrated every day in the workplace and provides a degree framework to support and accredit this learning.
The course is open to all suitably qualified candidates and offers an opportunity to transfer your academic qualifications and work experience to achieve a degree in Engineering Management. The programme includes modules in Study Skills for Distance Learning, Reflection and Reflective Practice, Change Management and Applied Problem Solving in the Engineering Workplace.
The BSc (Hons) Logistics Management degree is a ‘top-up’ course. The first one and two years of the course are accredited through previous academic qualifications and/or relevant professional experience. This distance learning degree can take between 13 months and 2 years to complete, depending on your individual circumstances and work commitments.
Course Content
Level 1 (Typically the First Year of the Degree)
Accreditation of Prior Learning and Experience (AP(E)L) General credit of 120 CATS points is awarded to students who meet the minimum entry criteria of an HND, Foundation Degree or equivalent.
Level 2 (Typically the Second Year of the Degree)
Accreditation of Prior Learning and Experience (AP(E)L) General credit of 120 CATS points is awarded to students who meet the minimum entry criteria of an HND, Foundation Degree or equivalent and have proof of relevant or current professional work experience.
Level 3
Study Skills for Distance Learners The module provides students with a structured framework within which to develop the essential skills for distance learning. You will be encouraged to take personal control of your learning and to balance the freedoms and disciplines inherent in a distance learning environment. Using models of theory and practice embellished by your personal experience, you will develop your ability to self-motivate, manage your own studies and reflect on how you learn. You will evaluate theories and practical models to challenge and to expand on received wisdoms to support both your academic and practical development.
Integrating Professional Engineering Experience Reflection as a technique for aiding and reinforcing learning is a powerful tool in professional development and a wide range of learning environments. Reflective practice is about learning and developing, through examining what we think happened on any occasion and how we think others perceived the event. The manager must open their professional practice to the scrutiny of others, becoming a more effective manager as a result. At an organisational level critical reflection is the basis for maintaining the appropriate alignment of an organisation and forms the basis for strategic planning and organisational change.
This module will provide you with a structured framework within which to reflect on experiences during previous formal managerial training or within past and present Engineering working environments. You will be encouraged to develop your own abilities to practice reflection in the practical arena by critically evaluating your own ideas against academic theories and models, challenging and expanding your own individual management skills. You will facilitate this process through the production of a personal Learning Log, individual reading and study, and face-to-face or online discussion with your tutor.
Management of Change This module aims to enable you to develop your workplace skills in the management of change by investigating your own organisation in relation to change management from a number of perspectives. You will consider your organisation’s business and market position— how it is structured and how it operates—to understand the context within which change happens. You will consider how organisational structure and culture may support or inhibit change as well as evaluating management of change theoretical models. You will also explore the impact of change on people and the skills needed by effective change agents and organisations.
Upon completion of the module, you will be able to use your learning to inform a study of change management in your organisation and to make recommendations about change strategies for the future.
Applied Problem Solving in the Engineering Workplace You will look at some more unusual approaches to the solving of complex problems and at techniques used outside your own organisation and experience in this module. At an early stage you select a complex problem in your workplace to study throughout the unit and you will be expected to develop, integrate and apply your learning, ideas and techniques in a real practical context.
The module aims to provide students with: •An understanding of the nature of complex problems, including problems with unknown or unpredictable features •A range of advanced skills that will equip you to solve complex problems in the workplace •Experience of applied complex problem solving in the workplace.
Dissertation The dissertation provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your capacity to work independently on a major piece of research and to utilise and build on skills and subject expertise developed in the promotion of your professional and personal skills. You will demonstrate your ability to analyse problems and to apply appropriate professional and self-developmental skills.
You will work with your tutor to research, develop and present your study for assessment following the agreed formats prescribed by the University.
How You Are Assessed
Throughout the course assessment methods are designed to enable you to develop your potential and permit a close working relationship between the learning experience and individual assessment. Assessment strategies will reflect the focus of the course on independent self-managed learning.
Entry Requirements
Admission to the WBDL (Work Based Distance learning) undergraduate programme is dependent on several criteria; however, your ability to complete the programme satisfactorily and benefit from it will be the main factor taken into consideration. The programme requires a high level of personal commitment and students will need to be well motivated.
Entry with Advanced Standing, APL:
Students will be accepted onto the course with advanced standing through credit awarded for prior certificated learning (APL). Credit for certificated learning will be awarded according to agreed tariffs for qualifications such as HND, Diploma of Higher Education, NEBS etc.
Employers are increasingly looking to recruit graduates who can demonstrate that they have the skills and abilities to succeed in the workplace. This degree has been devised to give you just that edge. Because all students will already be employed the benefits of the degree are:
For Individuals:
• Academic recognition for learning you have already achieved
• Study at a pace and place to suit you, the potential to work towards the degree when work and personal commitments allow and to take a break from the course when other pressures take over
• Learning is relevant and focused on issues in your job •Direct access to specialist expertise to support work-based projects and to extend the scope of your activities
• Immediate opportunities to apply theory in practice •Improved performance and the ability to respond to change.
For Organisations:
• Improved performance and competitive edge
• Increased motivation, confidence and creativity of workforce
• Immediate benefits from availability of expertise and advice on work based projects
• Customised programmes to suit your organisation
There is 4 intakes per year; August, November, February and May.
For more details on the BSc (Hons) in Logistics Management, please email or complete the form below.
Fill in an Application Form
BSc (Hons) in Business Management by Distance Learning
A-1 Technical Training, Logis-Tech Associates have links to several reputable UK Universities in Scotland & England and assist in the recruitment of engineering students for the BSc in Engineering Management by distance learning (Work based). A-1 Technical Training, Logis-Tech Associates will support a student’s application as this is a very much sought after course and places are limited each year.
The BSc (Hons) Business Management degree is a work-based, distance learning degree and aims to break down the barriers between learning at work and learning at university. The programme takes into account the high levels of skills and learning that are demonstrated every day in the workplace and provides a degree framework to support and accredit this learning.
The course is open to all suitably qualified candidates and offers an opportunity to transfer your academic qualifications and work experience to achieve a degree in Engineering Management. The programme includes modules in Study Skills for Distance Learning, Reflection and Reflective Practice, Change Management and Applied Problem Solving in the Engineering Workplace.
The BSc (Hons) Business Management degree is a ‘top-up’ course. The first one and two years of the course are accredited through previous academic qualifications and/or relevant professional experience. This distance learning degree can take between 13 months and 2 years to complete, depending on your individual circumstances and work commitments.
Course Content
Level 1 (Typically the First Year of the Degree)
Accreditation of Prior Learning and Experience (AP(E)L) General credit of 120 CATS points is awarded to students who meet the minimum entry criteria of an HND, Foundation Degree or equivalent.
Level 2 (Typically the Second Year of the Degree)
Accreditation of Prior Learning and Experience (AP(E)L) General credit of 120 CATS points is awarded to students who meet the minimum entry criteria of an HND, Foundation Degree or equivalent and have proof of relevant or current professional work experience.
Level 3
Study Skills for Distance Learners The module provides students with a structured framework within which to develop the essential skills for distance learning. You will be encouraged to take personal control of your learning and to balance the freedoms and disciplines inherent in a distance learning environment. Using models of theory and practice embellished by your personal experience, you will develop your ability to self-motivate, manage your own studies and reflect on how you learn. You will evaluate theories and practical models to challenge and to expand on received wisdoms to support both your academic and practical development.
Integrating Professional Engineering Experience Reflection as a technique for aiding and reinforcing learning is a powerful tool in professional development and a wide range of learning environments. Reflective practice is about learning and developing, through examining what we think happened on any occasion and how we think others perceived the event. The manager must open their professional practice to the scrutiny of others, becoming a more effective manager as a result. At an organisational level critical reflection is the basis for maintaining the appropriate alignment of an organisation and forms the basis for strategic planning and organisational change.
This module will provide you with a structured framework within which to reflect on experiences during previous formal managerial training or within past and present Engineering working environments. You will be encouraged to develop your own abilities to practice reflection in the practical arena by critically evaluating your own ideas against academic theories and models, challenging and expanding your own individual management skills. You will facilitate this process through the production of a personal Learning Log, individual reading and study, and face-to-face or online discussion with your tutor.
Management of Change This module aims to enable you to develop your workplace skills in the management of change by investigating your own organisation in relation to change management from a number of perspectives. You will consider your organisation’s business and market position— how it is structured and how it operates—to understand the context within which change happens. You will consider how organisational structure and culture may support or inhibit change as well as evaluating management of change theoretical models. You will also explore the impact of change on people and the skills needed by effective change agents and organisations.
Upon completion of the module, you will be able to use your learning to inform a study of change management in your organisation and to make recommendations about change strategies for the future.
Applied Problem Solving in the Engineering Workplace You will look at some more unusual approaches to the solving of complex problems and at techniques used outside your own organisation and experience in this module. At an early stage you select a complex problem in your workplace to study throughout the unit and you will be expected to develop, integrate and apply your learning, ideas and techniques in a real practical context.
The module aims to provide students with: •An understanding of the nature of complex problems, including problems with unknown or unpredictable features •A range of advanced skills that will equip you to solve complex problems in the workplace •Experience of applied complex problem solving in the workplace.
Dissertation The dissertation provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your capacity to work independently on a major piece of research and to utilise and build on skills and subject expertise developed in the promotion of your professional and personal skills. You will demonstrate your ability to analyse problems and to apply appropriate professional and self-developmental skills.
You will work with your tutor to research, develop and present your study for assessment following the agreed formats prescribed by the University.
How You Are Assessed
Throughout the course assessment methods are designed to enable you to develop your potential and permit a close working relationship between the learning experience and individual assessment. Assessment strategies will reflect the focus of the course on independent self-managed learning.
Entry Requirements
Admission to the WBDL (Work Based Distance learning) undergraduate programme is dependent on several criteria; however, your ability to complete the programme satisfactorily and benefit from it will be the main factor taken into consideration. The programme requires a high level of personal commitment and students will need to be well motivated.
Entry with Advanced Standing, APL:
Students will be accepted onto the course with advanced standing through credit awarded for prior certificated learning (APL). Credit for certificated learning will be awarded according to agreed tariffs for qualifications such as HND, Diploma of Higher Education, NEBS etc.
Employers are increasingly looking to recruit graduates who can demonstrate that they have the skills and abilities to succeed in the workplace. This degree has been devised to give you just that edge. Because all students will already be employed the benefits of the degree are:
For Individuals:
• Academic recognition for learning you have already achieved
• Study at a pace and place to suit you, the potential to work towards the degree when work and personal commitments allow and to take a break from the course when other pressures take over
• Learning is relevant and focused on issues in your job •Direct access to specialist expertise to support work-based projects and to extend the scope of your activities
• Immediate opportunities to apply theory in practice •Improved performance and the ability to respond to change.
For Organisations:
• Improved performance and competitive edge
• Increased motivation, confidence and creativity of workforce
• Immediate benefits from availability of expertise and advice on work based projects
• Customised programmes to suit your organisation
There is 4 intakes per year; August, November, February and May.
For more details on the BSc (Hons) in Business Management, please email or complete the form below.
Fill in an Application Form
BSc (Hons) Distance Learning (work based)
A-1 Technical Training, Logis-Tech Associates have links/agreements with several reputable UK Universities in Scotland & England and assist in the recruitment of engineering students for the BSc (Hons) in Management by distance learning (Work based).
- BSc (Hons) in Business Management
- BSc (Hons) in Engineering Management
- BSc (Hons) in Logistics Management
A-1 Technical Training, Logis-Tech Associates will support a student’s application as these are very much sought after courses and places are limited each year.
The BSc (Hons) Management degrees are a work-based, distance learning degree and aims to break down the barriers between learning at work and learning at university. The programme takes into account the high levels of skills and learning that are demonstrated every day in the workplace and provides a degree framework to support and accredit this learning.
The course is open to all suitably qualified candidates, with a HND and offers an opportunity to transfer your academic qualifications and work experience to achieve a degree in Business, Engineering or Logistics Management. The programme includes modules in Study Skills for Distance Learning, Reflection and Reflective Practice, Change Management and Applied Problem Solving in the Engineering Workplace.
The BSc (Hons) Management degrees are a ‘top-up’ course. The first one and two years of the course are accredited through previous academic qualifications and/or relevant professional experience. This distance learning degree can take between 13 months and 2 years to complete, depending on your individual circumstances and work commitments.
Employers are increasingly looking to recruit graduates who can demonstrate that they have the skills and abilities to succeed in the workplace. These degrees have been devised to give you just that edge, because all students will already be employed and the benefits of the degree are:
For Individuals:
• Academic recognition for learning you have already achieved
• Study at a pace and place to suit you, the potential to work towards the degree when work and personal commitments allow and to take a break from the course when other pressures take over
• Learning is relevant and focused on issues in your job •Direct access to specialist expertise to support work-based projects and to extend the scope of your activities
• Immediate opportunities to apply theory in practice •Improved performance and the ability to respond to change.
For Organisations:
• Improved performance and competitive edge
• Increased motivation, confidence and creativity of workforce
• Immediate benefits from availability of expertise and advice on work based projects
• Customised programmes to suit your organisation
There is 4 intakes per year; August, November, February and May.
For more details on the BSc (Hons) in Management degrees, please email or complete the form below.
Fill in an Application Form
Diploma in Process Technology Level 3
The Diploma in Process Technology (0610) develops and demonstrates essential knowledge for all of the process industries, including chemical, pharmaceutical, metals and oil and gas sectors. It is also the knowledge qualification component for the following apprenticeships:
– Process Operations – Process Operator/Technician – Downstream Operations.
This is a licence to practise qualification.
Who are they for
The Diploma is ideal for those working in the process industries, and for those working towards apprenticeships in Process Manufacturing.
General Information
This level will suit you if you are working in process technology and have some relevant knowledge and skills, usually from a role where you’ve been supervised. You may be completing an apprenticeship.
This level is ideal if you are working in process technology and have a great deal of technical skill and knowledge. You work with minimum supervision and have a good record of safety, fault correction and ensuring that work meets the required standard.
Level 3 comprises mandatory and optional units, including:
- Steam generation and distribution in process industries
- Distillation in process industries
- Evaporation in process industries
- Crystallisation in process industries
- Mixing and blending of solids and fluids
For more details on the Diploma in Process Technology, Level 3, please email or complete the form below.
Fill in an Application Form
Diploma in Process Technology Level 2
The Diploma in Process Technology (0610) develops and demonstrates essential knowledge for all of the process industries, including chemical, pharmaceutical, metals and oil and gas sectors. It is also the knowledge qualification component for the following apprenticeships:
– Process Operations – Process Operator/Technician – Downstream Operations.
This is a licence to practise qualification.
Who are they for
The Diploma is ideal for those working in the process industries, and for those working towards apprenticeships in Process Manufacturing.
General Information
This level will suit you if you are working in process technology and have some relevant knowledge and skills, usually from a role where you’ve been supervised. You may be completing an apprenticeship.
Level 2 comprises mandatory and optional units, including:
- Health, safety and environmental issues in process industries
- Fundamentals of communications and information technology in process industries
- Fundamentals of process chemistry
- Process plant and process plant services in process industries.
For more details on the Diploma in Process technology, Level 2, please email or complete the form below.
Fill in an Application Form
HNC Electrical & Electronics Modules (Edexcel)
HNC in Electrical & Electronics Modules by distance learning – Course Contents
HNC – Electrical & Electronic – Edexcel
It should also be said that each of these HN modules are stand alone courses and are all achievements in their own merit. They are also often used for CPD (continuous professional development) to assist career progression. They are more commonly used as part of the HNC / HND engineering framework award by Pearson Edexcel.
The Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (accredited by Edexcel) provides you with a programme of study over a range of disciplines to help you develop skills to progress your career through employment or further education at degree level.
The course is designed for learners who wish to work as technicians/technician engineers in electrical and electronics design, manufacture, maintenance, testing or fault finding. It has been developed in consultation with local industry, and combines theory and practical work with the focus being on industrial applications.
What you study
You study 8 units chosen to cover the range of needs of local and national industries and business.
The HNC provides a sound understanding of all key principles including core modules in Electrical Principles, Analytical Methods, Engineering Science and a project. Further specialist subjects may include Programmable Logic Controllers and Electronics
How you learn
You are provided with a self-contained comprehensive study pack for each of the modules. Each module consists of a folder or folders containing a series of lessons grouped into topics. Each lesson has an introduction, your aims, study advice, self-assessment questions and a summary.
It is important that you realise that open learning study requires a considerable degree of self-discipline. You must be prepared to devote both time and effort to studying not withstanding other distractions that may be present.
How you are assessed
Assessment is by a range of integrated assignments, case studies, and projects completion of these assessments is negotiated with your module tutor.
Professional accreditation
The HNC programme is a nationally recognised qualification awarded under licence from Edexcel.
Career opportunities
Students who complete this course can usually progress to the 1st year of an appropriate degree at a UK University.
An HNC award opens up the possibility of a career in a wide range of engineering disciplines including design, manufacturing, project management and IT. The qualification provides you with the opportunity to seek career development into senior positions in national and international companies.
Entry requirements
Applicants should normally have a SQA or BTEC National Certificate in a similar or related discipline or GCSE A level qualifications in mathematics or science. Relevant engineering experience will also be considered.
For mature students with appropriate work experience a ‘bridging’ programme in mathematics may be required.
The HNC in Electrical & Electronic Engineering consists of 8 modules:
Core modules
- Analytical Methods for Engineers
- Electrical and Electronic Principles
- Engineering Science
- Project
Optional modules
- Application of Pneumatics and Hydraulics
- Business Management Techniques
- Combinational and Sequential Logic
- Control Systems and Automation
- Digital and Analogue Devices and Circuits
- Distributed Control Systems
- Electrical Machines
- Electrical Services
- Electrical Supply and Distribution Systems
- Electrical System Protection
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Electronics
- Engineering Applications
- Engineering Design
- Lighting
- Mechatronic Systems Principles
- Microprocessor Systems
- Operational Amplifiers
- Programmable Logic Controllers
- Safety Engineering
- Semiconductor Physical Electronics
Modules offered may vary.
HNC in Electrical & Electronic Engineering Brief Module Description:
- Analytical Methods for Engineers
The primary aim of this module is to provide you with the fundamental analytical knowledge and techniques needed to successfully complete the core modules of Higher National Engineering programmes.
It is also intended as a base for the further study of analytical methods and mathematics, needed for more advanced option modules. The module is designed to enable you to use fundamental algebra, trigonometry, calculus, statistics and probability, for the analysis, modelling and solution of realistic engineering problems at Higher National level.
- Electrical & Electronics Principles
We cover the fundamentals of electrical circuit theory, analysis of electrical circuits, give you an understanding of simple analogue and digital circuits and an appreciation of their application to engineering problems.
We look at voltage, current, power, energy, resistance and impedance. Also, magnetic fields and inductance, electric fields and capacitance, Kirchhoff’s Laws. We examine time varying voltages and currents, effects on inductors and capacitors, sinusoidal voltage and current use of symbolic notation.
You also study power, reactive power and apparent power, circuit analysis techniques, mesh and nodal analysis, transistors and properties of amplifiers.
Our primary method of teaching is lectures supported by laboratory sessions, tutorials, problem solving and directed learning.
You learn how to:
- understand and use key elements of electrical and electronic theory
- apply given tools in the solution of well defined electrical and electronic engineering problems
- apply numerical skills to simple electrical and electronic engineering problems
- use basic IT tools and specialist software to solve simple electrical and electronic engineering problems.
- Engineering Science
The aim of this module is to investigate a number of major scientific principles which underpin the design and operation of engineering systems.
It is a broad-based unit, covering both mechanical and electrical principles. Its intention is to give you an overview which will provide you with the basis for further study in specialist areas of engineering.
- Project
This module develops your ability to use the knowledge and skills that you have developed at work and/or on the course to complete a realistic work project. It aims to integrate the skills and knowledge developed in other modules within a major piece of work that reflects the type of performance expected of a higher technician at work.
- Application of Pneumatics and Hydraulics
The aim of this module is to extend students’ knowledge and understanding of fluid power systems in modern industry by investigating pneumatic and hydraulic diagrams, examining the characteristics of components and equipment, and evaluating the applications of pneumatics and hydraulics.
- Business Management Techniques
This module develops your knowledge and understanding of the functions, structures and inter-relationships of an engineering business. It enables you to develop and apply the skills of costing, financial planning and control associated with engineered products or services.
The module also teaches you to appreciate the development of the fundamental concepts of project planning and scheduling that can be applied within an engineering organisation.
- Combinational and Sequential Logic
This module develops the theory from a basic understanding of simple digital techniques, to more practical and complex applications of both combinational and sequential logic. It includes using manufacturers’ literature to design circuits and computer simulation to test and evaluate designs.
- Control Systems and Automation
This module is intended to give students an insight into the principles of control engineering and how these principles can be used to model engineering systems and processes.
- Digital and Analogue Electronic Devices
This module provides you with an understanding of a range of electronic devices and circuits used in modern electronic systems. The electronic circuits include power supplies, operational amplifiers and digital circuits. You are given the opportunity to design, build and test digital and analogue circuits during practical sessions.
- Distributed Control Systems
The aim of this module is to investigate Distributed Control System concepts and their applications in engineering. It focuses on the design characteristics and internal architecture of Distributed Control Systems and how they interact.
Students will be provided with a learning pack where core subjects are presented in sequenced lessons that include self assessment questions with solutions to aid developmental learning. Module assessment comprises a formative element and a summative element. The formative assessment is a series of self assessment questions and answers at the end of each lesson. Feedback is also given to the students through email or by telephone. The summative assessment involves a single in course assessment comprising several elements.
- Electrical Machines
You study electrical machines and cover all the major machines: DC, induction, and synchronous, as well as some special machines including stepper and variable reluctance motors.
You also perform in-depth investigations into machine performance and operation characteristics, in both analytical and experimental methods, using laboratory setups and software packages (Pspice & Matlab) for the analysis of DC and AC machine performance during practical sessions.
- Electrical Services
This module provides you with a firm foundation in industrial and building electrical services installations. We place particular emphasis on adhering to appropriate British Standards and regulations concerning electrical installation services in domestic and industrial facilities.
- Electrical Supply & Distribution Systems
This module develops the principles and practice involved in designing high and low voltage supply, transmission and distribution systems. It shows how to analyse such systems and how to co-ordinate the protection and apply tariffs for such systems. You also investigate the roles of generators, transformers, isolators and protection devices in electrical supply systems.
- Electrical System Protection
This module analyses electrical supply systems with a view to selecting and co-ordinating system protection equipment. It shows how to analyse and resolve simple power systems into one-line impedance circuits and evaluate fault levels. It examines the role of current transformers and protection relays in electrical system protection and how to apply the principles of earthing, according to the IEE wiring regulations, to typical industrial electrical installations.
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
This module provides electronic and electrical technicians and engineers with the underpinning theoretical knowledge and analysis tools for solving problems involving electromagnetic interference and addressing electromagnetic compatibility issues. It covers induction by crosstalk and electromagnetic fields as well as the hazards posed by electrostatic discharge. You consider circuit board design and layout, grounding and the special problems arising from digital circuits.
- Electronics
To extend the depth of your understanding of analogue electronics, especially in the context of integrated circuits, this module covers the interaction of circuit segments (loading), temperature dependence and device variability, and how to robustly design around these problems.
You use the ‘library’ of common configurations to build larger circuits and to see how integration and component matching facilitates complex general and application-specific circuits, with examples drawn from the variety of analogue devices currently available.
Laboratories enable you to perform analysis, simulation and synthesis of relevant circuit configurations, both using components on Breadboard and by simulation in SPICE.
- Engineering Applications
In this module, you identify individual tasks, activities, or programmes of work, whether administrative, theoretical, practical or supervisory, that you have undertaken as part of your daily working life and show how those activities have contributed to your professional engineering development. You need to document key aspects of your development to date and to critically appraise your career journey, identifying areas that may benefit from additional growth and produce an action plan for yourr ongoing professional development. You are given a learning pack with guidance to help identify and document aspects of your professional life that have contributed to your development as professional practitioner in your engineering discipline.
- Engineering Design
The aim of this module is to give you an opportunity to experience the process of carrying out a design project. It will enable you to appreciate that design involves synthesising parameters which will affect the design solution.
- Lighting
This module introduces you to designs for interior and exterior lighting arrangements including emergency lighting. You are also be introduced to circuit testing and certification in accordance with British Standards recommendations.
- Mechatronic System Principles
This module introduces you to the necessary skills and principles which underpin a range of mechatronic systems. It encompasses small single component systems as well as larger systems integrating components from different engineering disciplines. You deal with the control concepts used in mechatronic systems and focus on system design and maintenance. The approach is broad-based to reflect the fact that mechatronics is, by its nature, multidisciplinary. You are encouraged to recognise a system not as an interconnection of different parts but as an integrated module.
- Microprocessor Systems
This module provides you with an understanding of microprocessor-based systems and their use in instrumentation, control and communication systems. You study the practical aspects of device selection, programming and the interfacing of external peripheral devices. The module also introduces you to the development cycle of specify, design, build, program, test and evaluate.
- Operational Amplifiers
This module allows you to investigate the operational amplifier and develop an understanding of the industrial applications of this versatile integrated circuit. You get an overview of the device and necessary background theory and circuit design. You get an insight into the applications aspects of the operations amplifier and its performance limitations.
- Programmable Logic Controllers
This module investigates programmable logic controller (PLC) concepts and their applications in engineering. It focuses on the design characteristics and internal architecture of PLC systems, the signals which are used and the programming techniques. You produce and demonstrate a programme for a programmable logic device.
- Safety Engineering
This module covers the fundamentals of contemporary Safety Engineering as applied to industrial processes. It consists of an introduction to the terminology, the nature and treatment of hazards, hazard analysis, risk assessment, emergency procedures and the application of protective measures associated with various hazards.
The main aims of the module are to provide a firm foundation for work in Safety Engineering and to act a basis for more advanced studies of safety practices.
Students will be provided with a learning pack where core subjects are presented in sequenced lessons that include self assessment questions with solutions to aid developmental learning. Module assessment comprises a formative element and a summative element. The formative assessment comprises a series of self assessment questions and answers at the end of each lesson. Feedback is also given to the students through email or by telephone. The summative assessment involves a single in course assessment comprising several elements.
Semiconductor Physical Electronics
HNC Mechanical Modules (Edexcel)
HNC in Mechanical Engineering Modules by distance learning – Course Contents
HNC – Mechanical Engineering – Edexcel
It should also be said that each of these HN modules are stand alone courses and are all achievements in their own merit. They are also often used for CPD (continuous professional development) to assist career progression. They are more commonly used as part of the HNC / HND engineering framework award by Pearson Edexcel.
The Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Mechanical Engineering (accredited by Edexcel) provides you with a programme of study over a range of disciplines to help you develop skills to progress your career through employment or further education at degree level.
The course is designed for learners who wish to work as technicians/technician engineers in electrical and electronics design, manufacture, maintenance, testing or fault finding. It has been developed in consultation with local industry, and combines theory and practical work with the focus being on industrial applications.
What you study
You study 8 units chosen to cover the range of needs of local and national industries and business.
The HNC provides a sound understanding of all key principles including core modules in Electrical Principles, Analytical Methods, Engineering Science and a project. Further specialist subjects may include Programmable Logic Controllers and Electronics
How you learn
You are provided with a self-contained comprehensive study pack for each of the modules. Each module consists of a folder or folders containing a series of lessons grouped into topics. Each lesson has an introduction, your aims, study advice, self-assessment questions and a summary.
It is important that you realise that open learning study requires a considerable degree of self-discipline. You must be prepared to devote both time and effort to studying not withstanding other distractions that may be present.
How you are assessed
Assessment is by a range of integrated assignments, case studies, and projects completion of these assessments is negotiated with your module tutor.
Professional accreditation
The HNC programme is a nationally recognised qualification awarded under licence from Edexcel.
Career opportunities
Students who complete this course can usually progress to the 1st year of an appropriate degree at a UK University.
An HNC award opens up the possibility of a career in a wide range of engineering disciplines including design, manufacturing, project management and IT. The qualification provides you with the opportunity to seek career development into senior positions in national and international companies.
Entry requirements
Applicants should normally have a SQA or BTEC National Certificate in a similar or related discipline or GCSE A level qualifications in mathematics or science. Relevant engineering experience will also be considered.
For mature students with appropriate work experience a ‘bridging’ programme in mathematics may be required.
The HNC in Mechanical Engineering (Edexcel) consists of 8 HN modules:
Core modules:
- Analytical Methods for Engineers
- Mechanical Principles
- Engineering Science
- Project
Optional modules:
- Application of Pneumatics and Hydraulics
- Business Management Techniques
- Control Systems and Automation
- Engineering Applications
- Engineering Design
- Engineering Thermodynamics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Heat Transfer and Combustion
- Materials Engineering
- Mechatronic Systems Principles
- Plant Services
- Programmable Logic Controllers
- Safety Engineering
Modules offered may vary.
HNC in Mechanical Engineering Brief Module Description:
Analytical Methods for Engineers
The primary aim of this module is to provide you with the fundamental analytical knowledge and techniques needed to successfully complete the core modules of Higher National Engineering programmes.
It is also intended as a base for the further study of analytical methods and mathematics, needed for more advanced option modules. The module is designed to enable you to use fundamental algebra, trigonometry, calculus, statistics and probability, for the analysis, modelling and solution of realistic engineering problems at Higher National level.
Mechanical Principles
Engineering Science
The aim of this module is to investigate a number of major scientific principles which underpin the design and operation of engineering systems.
It is a broad-based unit, covering both mechanical and electrical principles. Its intention is to give you an overview which will provide you with the basis for further study in specialist areas of engineering.
This module develops your ability to use the knowledge and skills that you have developed at work and/or on the course to complete a realistic work project. It aims to integrate the skills and knowledge developed in other modules within a major piece of work that reflects the type of performance expected of a higher technician at work.
Application of Pneumatics and Hydraulics
The aim of this module is to extend students’ knowledge and understanding of fluid power systems in modern industry by investigating pneumatic and hydraulic diagrams, examining the characteristics of components and equipment, and evaluating the applications of pneumatics and hydraulics.
Business Management Techniques
This module develops your knowledge and understanding of the functions, structures and inter-relationships of an engineering business. It enables you to develop and apply the skills of costing, financial planning and control associated with engineered products or services.
The module also teaches you to appreciate the development of the fundamental concepts of project planning and scheduling that can be applied within an engineering organisation.
Control Systems and Automation
This module is intended to give students an insight into the principles of control engineering and how these principles can be used to model engineering systems and processes.
Engineering Applications
Engineering Design
The aim of this module is to give you an opportunity to experience the process of carrying out a design project. It will enable you to appreciate that design involves synthesising parameters which will affect the design solution.
Engineering Thermodynamics
The aim of this module is to introduce you to the principles and laws of thermodynamics and their application to engineering thermodynamic systems. It covers system definition, the first and second laws of thermodynamics, heat engine cycles, the measurement of engine performance and the layout and performance of steam plant.
Fluid Mechanics
You investigate problems related to the storage of water in bulk and to its conveyance in known quantities through pipelines, rivers and open channels. You use your knowledge of the basic properties of water at rest and in motion for this, and consider the natural water cycle (hydrological cycle) and how humans have interacted with it to produce the hydrosocial cycle for our own use and benefit.
Rainfall is a major component of the hydrological cycle and the module provides an insight into rainfall types, rainfall losses and rainfall runoff. Water and wastewater treatment are also introduced, along with topics such as the hydrological cycle, rainfall, fluid statics, pipe flow and channel flow.
Heat Transfer and Combustion
This module is intended to develop students’ knowledge of principles and empirical relationships to enable them to solve practical problems involving heat transfer, combustion and the specification of practical engineering equipment.
Materials Engineering
The aim of this module is to provide you with basic background knowledge and understanding of the properties, selection, processing and use of materials.
Mechatronic Systems Principles
Plant Services
Programmable Logic Controllers
Safety Engineering
This module covers the fundamentals of contemporary Safety Engineering as applied to industrial processes. It consists of an introduction to the terminology, the nature and treatment of hazards, hazard analysis, risk assessment, emergency procedures and the application of protective measures associated with various hazards.
The main aims of the module are to provide a firm foundation for work in Safety Engineering and to act a basis for more advanced studies of safety practices.
Students will be provided with a learning pack where core subjects are presented in sequenced lessons that include self assessment questions with solutions to aid developmental learning. Module assessment comprises a formative element and a summative element. The formative assessment comprises a series of self assessment questions and answers at the end of each lesson. Feedback is also given to the students through email or by telephone. The summative assessment involves a single in course assessment comprising several elements.
HNC Instrumentation & Control Modules (Edexcel)
HNC in Instrumentation & Control Engineering Modules by distance learning – Course Contents
HNC – Instrumentation & Control – Edexcel
It should also be said that each of these HN modules are stand alone courses and are all achievements in their own merit. They are also often used for CPD (continuous professional development) to assist career progression. They are more commonly used as part of the HNC / HND engineering framework award by Pearson Edexcel.
The Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Instrumentation & Control Engineering (accredited by Edexcel) provides you with a programme of study over a range of disciplines to help you develop skills to progress your career through employment or further education at degree level.
The course is designed for learners who wish to work as technicians/technician engineers in instrumentation and control engineering design, manufacture, maintenance, testing or fault finding or the communications industry. It has been developed in consultation with local industry, and combines theory and practical work with the focus being on industrial applications.
What you study
You study 8 units chosen to cover the range of needs of local and national industries and business.
The HNC provides a sound understanding of all key principles including core modules in Electrical Principles, Analytical Methods, Engineering Science and a project. Further specialist subjects may include Programmable Logic Controllers and Electronics
How you learn
You are provided with a self-contained comprehensive study pack for each of the modules. Each module consists of a folder or folders containing a series of lessons grouped into topics. Each lesson has an introduction, your aims, study advice, self-assessment questions and a summary.
It is important that you realise that open learning study requires a considerable degree of self-discipline. You must be prepared to devote both time and effort to studying not withstanding other distractions that may be present.
How you are assessed
Assessment is by a range of integrated assignments, case studies, and projects completion of these assessments is negotiated with your module tutor.
Professional accreditation
The HNC programme is a nationally recognised qualification awarded under licence from Edexcel.
Career opportunities
Students who complete this course can usually progress to the 1st year of an appropriate degree at a UK University.
An HNC award opens up the possibility of a career in a wide range of engineering disciplines including design, manufacturing, project management and IT. The qualification provides you with the opportunity to seek career development into senior positions in national and international companies.
Entry requirements
Applicants should normally have a SQA or BTEC National Certificate in a similar or related discipline or GCSE A level qualifications in mathematics or science. Relevant engineering experience will also be considered.
For mature students with appropriate work experience a ‘bridging’ programme in mathematics may be required.
The HNC in Instrumentation & Control Engineering (Edexcel) consists of 8 HN modules:
Core modules:
- Analytical Methods for Engineers
- Engineering Science
- Instrumentation & Control Principles
- Project
Optional modules:
- Analytical Instrumentation
- Application of Pneumatics and Hydraulics
- Business Management Techniques
- Combinational and Sequential Logic
- Control Systems and Automation
- Digital and Analogue Devices and Circuits
- Distributed Control Systems
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Electronics
- Engineering Applications
- Engineering Design
- Microprocessor Systems
- Operational Amplifiers
- Programmable Logic Controllers
- Safety Engineering
Modules offered may vary.
HNC in Instrumentation & Control Engineering Brief Module Description:
Analytical Methods for Engineers
The primary aim of this module is to provide you with the fundamental analytical knowledge and techniques needed to successfully complete the core modules of Higher National Engineering programmes.
It is also intended as a base for the further study of analytical methods and mathematics, needed for more advanced option modules. The module is designed to enable you to use fundamental algebra, trigonometry, calculus, statistics and probability, for the analysis, modelling and solution of realistic engineering problems at Higher National level.
Engineering Science
The aim of this module is to investigate a number of major scientific principles which underpin the design and operation of engineering systems.
It is a broad-based unit, covering both mechanical and electrical principles. Its intention is to give you an overview which will provide you with the basis for further study in specialist areas of engineering.
Instrumentation & Control Principles
This module establishes the principles of instrumentation and control. It follows in detail the generation of a signal from the process variable via a range of possible transducers, its subsequent conditioning and transmission, and final presentation to an output actuator or valve. The module also analyses control systems and the techniques used in process loop tuning.
Students will be provided with a learning pack where core subjects are presented in sequenced lessons that include self assessment questions with solutions to aid developmental learning. Module assessment comprises a formative element and a summative element. The formative assessment is a series of self assessment questions and answers at the end of each lesson. Feedback is also given to the students through email or by telephone. The summative assessment involves a single in course assessment comprising several elements
This module develops your ability to use the knowledge and skills that you have developed at work and/or on the course to complete a realistic work project. It aims to integrate the skills and knowledge developed in other modules within a major piece of work that reflects the type of performance expected of a higher technician at work.
Analytical Instrumentation
This module is concerned with modern techniques of detecting variables in industrial processes. The aim of these techniques is to ensure that the measurement, or sampled quantity, is representative of the measureand.
The module also aims to develop an understanding of modern measurement principles and recognition of how these concepts are applied in the design of commercial instruments for the measurement of both analytical and chemical composition variables.
Application of Pnuematics and Hydraulics
The aim of this module is to extend students’ knowledge and understanding of fluid power systems in modern industry by investigating pneumatic and hydraulic diagrams, examining the characteristics of components and equipment, and evaluating the applications of pneumatics and hydraulics.
Business Management Techniques
This module develops your knowledge and understanding of the functions, structures and inter-relationships of an engineering business. It enables you to develop and apply the skills of costing, financial planning and control associated with engineered products or services.
The module also teaches you to appreciate the development of the fundamental concepts of project planning and scheduling that can be applied within an engineering organisation.
Combinational and Sequential Logic
Control Systems and Automation
This module is intended to give students an insight into the principles of control engineering and how these principles can be used to model engineering systems and processes.
Digital and Analogue Devices and Circuits
Distributed Control Systems
The aim of this module is to investigate Distributed Control System concepts and their applications in engineering. It focuses on the design characteristics and internal architecture of Distributed Control Systems and how they interact.
Students will be provided with a learning pack where core subjects are presented in sequenced lessons that include self assessment questions with solutions to aid developmental learning. Module assessment comprises a formative element and a summative element. The formative assessment is a series of self assessment questions and answers at the end of each lesson. Feedback is also given to the students through email or by telephone. The summative assessment involves a single in course assessment comprising several elements
Electromagnetic Compatibility
To extend the depth of your understanding of analogue electronics, especially in the context of integrated circuits, this module covers the interaction of circuit segments (loading), temperature dependence and device variability, and how to robustly design around these problems.
You use the ‘library’ of common configurations to build larger circuits and to see how integration and component matching facilitates complex general and application-specific circuits, with examples drawn from the variety of analogue devices currently available.
Laboratories enable you to perform analysis, simulation and synthesis of relevant circuit
Engineering Applications
Engineering Design
The aim of this module is to give you an opportunity to experience the process of carrying out a design project. It will enable you to appreciate that design involves synthesising parameters which will affect the design solution.
Microprocessor Systems
Operational Amplifiers
Programmable Logic Controllers
Safety Engineering
This module covers the fundamentals of contemporary Safety Engineering as applied to industrial processes. It consists of an introduction to the terminology, the nature and treatment of hazards, hazard analysis, risk assessment, emergency procedures and the application of protective measures associated with various hazards.
The main aims of the module are to provide a firm foundation for work in Safety Engineering and to act a basis for more advanced studies of safety practices.
Students will be provided with a learning pack where core subjects are presented in sequenced lessons that include self assessment questions with solutions to aid developmental learning. Module assessment comprises a formative element and a summative element. The formative assessment comprises a series of self assessment questions and answers at the end of each lesson. Feedback is also given to the students through email or by telephone. The summative assessment involves a single in course assessment comprising several elements.